Emergency Response Initiatives

BMF complementarity efforts to the Government of Tanzania’s COVID-19 response plan

BMF secured funding from UNICEF to strengthen community-based health services, particularly on creating awareness through community sensitization sessions on COVID-19 prevention and vaccination. This was conducted through facility-led community outreaches and the use of different media channels to deliver key messages on COVID-19 Vaccines. The media coverage and facility-led – community outreach for COVID-19 vaccination interventions took place in the Mbeya region at Kyela DC and Chunya DC which were identified as districts with low vaccine uptake coverage compared to others. The Foundation performed the following strategies during the vaccination intervention in Kyela DC and Chunya DC.  

  • Conduct door-to-door and on-site vaccination. 
  • Public announcements, and traditional dances where CHWs used the platform to provide COVID-19 education and sensitization. 
  • Multiple engagements of sensitizers like village and ward chairpersons, WEOs, VEOs, CHWs, DED, and DCs and use of political, VICOBA, and burial ceremonies gatherings to provide covid 19 education, sensitization, and vaccination. 
  • The Moonlight vaccination in gold mining areas. 
  • The use of motor vehicles in hard-to-reach areas. 
  • The R/CHMTs provided technical oversight and vaccine distribution. 
A service provider offering a door-to-door COVID-19 vaccination during outreach services in Chunya DC

Key achievements of COVID-19 interventions: The outreach activities for COVID-19 vaccine acceleration in Chunya DC and Kyela DC have reached a population of a total of 12,108 people (6,110 (51%) were females and 5,998 (49%) were males), against the targeted population of 7,204, whereby in Chunya DC, the daily target was 208 for 13 days which is equivalent to 2,704 people and in Kyela DC, the daily target was 300 for 15 days which is equivalent to 4,500 people. Therefore, this indicates that; the intervention of COVID-19 vaccine acceleration has surpassed the set target by scoring 168%. In Kyela DC, the intervention reached 88% (29) of the total wards (33) and 79% (44) of the health facilities (56) whereas in Chunya DC, the intervention reached 100% (20) of the wards and 100% (34) of Health facilities. During the outreach services, other services were being provided such as Family planning/condom distribution, HIV counseling and testing (220), Vitamin A (515), and Blood Pressure diagnosis (271). Key factors that led to key achievements comprise a media campaign that aired messages through local radios as part of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The use of community role models i.e. former Mbeya constituent MP Mr. Sugu and health care practitioners experienced in COVID-19 vaccination and hot spots vaccination scenes enhanced the increase of community awareness on COVID-19 vaccination.


Data indicates that the total number of people who received SINOPHARM first dose was 4,032 and the second dose was 2,357, which is equivalent to 58% of the clients who received their first dose, and people who received PFIZER first dose 4,992 and the second dose were 707 which equivalents to 14%. The aim was to reach all clients who received the first dose to receive their second dose, unfortunately, despite the door-to-door follow-up of clients who received their first dose done by the CHVs, the community hesitated and was not willing to accept the second dose, while few who were on transit during the first dose, could not be reached with the second dose. The program also noted there are areas that do not have CHVs to support continuous sensitization and follow-up of people who are eligible for a second dose.

Data indicates that the total number of people who received SINOPHARM first dose was 4,032 and the second dose was 2,357, which is equivalent to 58% of the clients who received their first dose, and people who received PFIZER first dose 4,992 and the second dose were 707 which equivalents to 14%. The aim was to reach all clients who received the first dose to receive their second dose, unfortunately, despite the door-to-door follow-up of clients who received their first dose done by the CHVs, the community hesitated and was not willing to accept the second dose, while few who were on transit during the first dose, could not be reached with the second dose. The program also noted there are areas that do not have CHVs to support continuous sensitization and follow-up of people who are eligible for a second dose.

COVID-19 Vaccination during Supportive supervision (Newala TC and Nanyamba TC, Mtwara)

The CBHS Mtwara Project: BMF under the support of UNICEF in collaboration with the councils of Newala TC and Nanyamba TC supported the efforts of the government of Tanzania to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination in the community. The project focused on supporting community sensitization and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to the selected villages in Newala TC and Nanyamba TC. During the reporting period, the project achieved to reach a total of 2,253 people (Newala TC = 1,546 people, Nanyamba TC = 707 people) who were vaccinated during Supportive supervision through community visits and door-to-door vaccination as shown in the graph above.

Benjamin William Mkapa Health Plaza | Plot No. 2006, Turi Road (off Mwai Kibaki Rd), Mbezi Beach Kawe, Dar Es Salaam

Mon – Thur: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fri: 8:00 am – 13:30 pm

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